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Corporate Goals
We shall strive to provide a quality service within acceptable standard.
We shall strive to bring the benefits of water service to the greatness possible people and businesses within our service area.
We shall strive to seek and adopt a reasonable rate structure that would truly reflect the cost of providing desired level of water service.
We shall maintain adequate returns to ensure our financial viability and ensure sustainability of water service to the community.
We shall remain steadfast in our commitment to enhance the productivity of our resources.
We shall provide our employees with just and reasonable compensation and benefits with the opportunities for professional growth and advancement on basis of performance, integrity and loyalty to Tabaco City Water District and to the public it serves.
We shall uphold and maintain at all times high standard of business ethics.
We shall be guided primarily by the basic principle of Tabaco City Water District interest and those of the concessionaires.
We shall fulfill with dedication and commitment our social responsibility.
We shall undertake by ourselves and through subsidiaries, activities which support and compliment our operations, enhance the utilization of resources and development of environment protection program.